General information & FAQ

Opening hours

The dates for the 2024 edition are Saturday August 3 and Sunday August 4..

Saturday, August 3: 1 pm - midnight
Sunday, August 4: 1 pm - midnight
The campsite will be open from 10.00 am on Saturday August 3 and will close no later than 11.00 am on Monday August 5.
Tickets here

 Minimum age  & Zero Tolerence

To enter the festival, you must be at least 16 years old (people born in 2008 are accepted).

The Timeless festival is a Zero Tolerance event. This means that all types of soft and hard drugs will not be allowed. Be aware of the risks involved. Furthermore, access to the festival will be denied

 How do I get to the Timeless?

Public transport:
The railway station of Jemelle-Rochefort is a 10-minute walk from the festival.
It is also possible to come by bus. You can check the timetable on the website


Free parking will be available on the festival site. Just follow the signs once you arrive at the site.
On site, a team will be available to guide you and show you the available spaces.

 Kiss & Ride:

Don't feel like driving yourself? Get a lift or pick up at Kiss & Ride. There will be a space for this. Follow the directions once you arrive at the site.

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